Invoice Finance: Receivables discount business model
02/06/2023 ,The Invoice Finance Working Group launches a new subgroup which aims to dig deeper into the Receivables Discounting business model.
EESPA endorses the VeR position towards the German e-invoicing plans
30/05/2023 ,EESPA fully endorses the position document of the VeR on the German plans for mandating e-invoicing. The VeR's support for the BMF pro...
Feedback to eInvoicing in Europe
15/05/2023 ,The European Commission is undertaking the evaluation of Directive 2014/55/EU to review the effects of the ...
EESPA's contribution to the evaluation of Directive 2014/55/EU
15/04/2023 ,Our Public Policy & Compliance Working Group has prepared a response to the European Commission’s consultation in re...
EESPA's response to the ViDA proposals
21/03/2023 ,Our Public Policy & Compliance Working Group has prepared a summary response to the European Commission Proposal on ViDA (...
PwC organizes webinar on VAT in the Digital Age
13/12/2022 ,Ellen Cortvriend, Director at EESPA member PwC invites you to join a webinar on ViDA on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 16:00 (CE...
2022 AGM Headlines
30/11/2022 ,EESPA held its Annual General Meeting on 24 November in Brussels. Login to read the Executive Summary and download the full re...
Compliance definitions in 4-corner model
04/11/2022 ,This document addresses the scope and attribution of compliance responsibilities within the 'classic' or 'baseline' four-corner model ...
Welcome to our new members...
31/10/2022 ,Welcome to our new members
Serbian e-invoicing transformation
22/08/2022 ,The Serbian e-invoicing transformation – get it right from the first attempt